Impactful. Impressive. Memorable. 
Make a Bold Statement with a Metal Business Card.
Discover the simplest way to make an incredible first impression, immediately stand out from your competition, Be more confident, and establish instant credibility with every person you meet. 
From: Troy Springston
To: Future Game Changers,
Subject: How to Make a Bold Statement...
  Think about this for a second…
Do you realize that every time you hand over your paper business card to...
     - Potential New Customers, 
     - A Potential New Love Interest, 
     - & Maybe a Person That Can Change Your Life,

You're giving those important people your personal information on basically the same material you use to wipe your ass!

Do you really think that makes a strong first impression? 

As I explained in the video above, you have roughly 4-5 seconds to make your first impression.  

That’s it.  

Not just some people… Everyone!.

Everyone on the planet makes their mind up about you in that short of time, if not faster.

But maybe you think that seems too quick... 

Lets say all the scientists, psychologists and studies are wrong and it takes twice as long.  So 10 seconds for a first impression to be made.   

Then if that's the case we need to do everything possible to make those precious first-few seconds count.

So when you think about it, in less than 10 seconds, you're being judged on…
    ✓ How You Dress, 
    ✓ Your Confidence (or Lack of),
    ✓ How You Shake Hands,
    ✓ How You Speak,
    ✓ Your Business Card
I can help you with the first 4 things,  but it's really a topic for another time. 

However, if you want a stupid simple way to make an incredible first impression every single time, then I got a quick story for you…

So I learned the hard way that business cards are so much more than just a piece of paper with your contact information on it.

Let’s take a trip back about a decade ago to my first listing presentation as a shiny new real estate agent. 

I remember walking up the brick path to the house; feeling so fresh and clean in my best suit, carrying my black leather binder, thinking I looked so professional. 

I rang the doorbell and flashed the biggest smile I could muster. The homeowners welcomed me in and I stepped into the battlefield that is the sales room. 

The owners showed me around, I used all the best rapport-building tricks I could remember, commenting on the family vacation photos… “oh you’ve been to ‘name the place in the photo’” and the “oh you know how to ‘insert activity here.’” I was feeling incredibly confident as we walked through the home until I saw it…

The giant stack of business cards on the counter.  

Ok, it was actually closer to 4-5 cards but being this was my first listing presentation, this really threw me off.

As we sat down at the kitchen table all I could see was that stack of cards… I thought “WTF, they’ve already sat through at least 4 of these presentations, what the hell am I doing that’s any different?”

I would bet that…
    ✓ We probably dressed the same,
    ✓ Our companies were pretty much the exact same,
    ✓ The sales presentations are probably similar… “I will do X to make your home sell fast and for top dollar!”
So what am I left with besides doing the exact thing I didn’t want to do and that’s lower my commission? 

Well, long story short, I bombed my first sales appointment, I just could not get that stack of other realtors cards out of my head! 

I was super disappointed with myself.

Stuck in rush hour, I just sat there thinking the same things over and over again…

    ✓ What can I do that's different?
    ✓ What would make me stand out?
    ✓ How do I differentiate myself?

Later that night, while couch-surfing, I stopped on American Psycho on HBO and the famous business card scene was on. It’s a crazy sequence, you hear Christian Bales inner voice, hearing him freak out over details that I couldn’t even see. I literally didn’t see a single difference.
And that's exactly what happened at my sales appointment. As soon as I left there, I bet that my business card was thrown on the pile like every other agent that they met with. All similar paper cards, yeah they got different colors and card stock but basically all the same crap.

Try to remember the last time someone handed you a business card…

If you’re anything like me, you smile, nod and shove that tree carcass into your pocket only to be thrown into the trash later or receive a similar fate by being drowned in the washing machine.

Seriously, does your business card do anything to make people stop and ask more about you, your business or let alone even remember you? 

Isn’t that the goal of a business card? 

Or is your card like every other boring paper card that’s thrown at you?

Put yourself in a customers shoes for a second... 

Let’s say you’re about to sell your house. Agent A comes in and hands you a traditional paper business card and says something like “I’m the best agent and I will sell your house for top dollar” and then agent B comes along and says the exact same thing but hands you a stainless steel metal business card. 

Without anything else, who would you say makes the better impression? Who seems like they have their shit together? Who seems more successful at what they do?

Paper cards don’t leave lasting impressions. 

They just don’t!

You could have the thickest card stock, 55 different colors, a shiny front and a matte back but it just doesn’t matter. Unless you have a secret to standing out, people just don’t remember you that easy. 

They don’t remember because most of the time, it just doesn’t stick. 

I'm sure you've heard the rule in sales that states you need to contact someone 7 times before you can close a sale? Imagine shortening that up to half the time. How much more successful would you be?
Paper cards don’t leave lasting impressions.  They Don't do anything to make you stand out... Nothing!
Another problem is a fast growing population view most sales professions as obsolete.

What do I mean by that?  

Well lets look at some of the biggest sales industries... 

Technology is changing everything.

Have you heard of the real estate company Redfin?

Their business model is basically this:

"Hey, technology has come a long way and it’s way easier to sell a home now so you don’t have to pay the standard commission anymore. We will do the same job as your regular real estate agent because we have awesome technology so we can save you money."
Aka... Your Real Estate Agent is obsolete. Our technology is better. 

What about if you’re a Mortgage Broker? 

Well have you seen the ads and commercials for Rocket Mortgage? 

Once again, their business model is: 
Hey you don’t need a mortgage broker, our technology does the work for you. Save thousands because our system does it for you. 
Again, another company saying the mortgage sales professional is obsolete. 

What if you’re an insurance agent?  

Well it’s even tougher for you because nearly every company allows anyone to easily jump online and get quotes from anywhere. Think of the hundreds of insurance commercials that are on tv. You can probably think of 2-3 characters from the different companies now... geckos, cavemen, white aprons.  They spend millions of dollars to take away your potential customers.

Car sales professionals aren’t safe either. 

Now there’s Caravana with their tagline...”get the car without the car salesman”

The point is, nearly everything that is sold, now has a new, “easy” way to do it, that removes you, the sales professional. 

It’s now tougher than ever to not only stand out from your competition but now you have all these companies offering cheaper ways to do what you do. 

How do you find success given all this? Well I guess you could just lower your commissions and earn way less than what you’re worth. 

Or you could do something that proves you’re worth every penny without having to say it. 
People are still willing to pay top dollar for incredible service. 

When people know they are getting great service, they gladly pay top dollar for it. 

But how do you prove that you offer top-notch service when most sales appointments and presentations are less than a one-time encounter?

You need something that leaves a lasting impression. Something that screams I’m the Top Gun. Best of the best. You buy what I’m selling and you won’t be disappointed. If I wasn’t the shit, how could I have such badass business cards?
"a fast growing population view most sales professionals as obsolete.  Don't let yourself be one of them"
Question for you real quick... 

Do you ever go to networking events? 

I use to hate going to networking events. They seemed like a complete waste of time. I’d go spend my time and money having a bunch of awkward surface encounters that never brought me any business. 

I’d meet a bunch of people, talk about the same shit, hand them a business card, and be on my way. 

Out of the 10-20 people I’d talk to, I’d be lucky to meet one person that made going to the event worth it. I don't know about you but I almost always left feeling like my time could of been spent better doing something else.

Not anymore, now I look forward to going to networking events. When I meet someone and hand them my metal business card, I seem to have incredible and meaningful conversations with ease. 

The instant-conversation starter these things are is like a secret weapon. 

Even if you have nothing in common with this person, these cards are something that people will instantly want to talk about, they’re basically magic! 
"Metal business cards are perfect for breaking the ice.  Not sure what to say? Hand them this card and blow their fucking mind!"
    ✓ The First Impression Crushing, 
    ✓ The Instant Memory Making, 
    ✓ The Business Deal Creating, 
    ✓ Job Getting, 
    ✓ Sleek and Sexy Metal Business Cards by The Bold Statement!

And the cool part, when you put a couple of these in your pocket you don’t have to worry about them getting wrinkled. 

Have you ever handed someone a wrinkled up business card… 

Think about the feeling you have handing that over... embarrassing right? 

So it's embarrassing for you, imagine what your potential client thinks… 
   Wow this guy doesn’t really care that much about his business. 

Maybe they don't think exactly that, but it's definitely not a plus when trying to win someone over or make a strong impression.

Metal business cards straight up ooze success!

And with a price less than the cup of coffee you buy every day, there’s no reason why you shouldn’t invest in your business!
"Metal business cards ooze success. The look people give when they touch a metal business card can't help but be in awe!"
Quick question...

Do you think of spending money in terms of expense vs investment?

Let me explain...

An expense is something that is usually needed to run your business like gas for your car or software like QuickBooks and the other tools you use to run your business. Yes, they are needed but they don’t directly make you money. 

An investment on the other hand directly effects you making money. Marketing is an investment. Obviously when it’s done right of course, but marketing is the life blood of your business. 

So question for you, what do you consider your business card now?

An expense or an investment?

Well, how do you know?

Answer this simple question: 

Has anyone called you in let's say the last 5 to 6 months because they had your business card?

Be truthful, you probably haven’t had more than 4 or 5 calls out of the 100 cards you’ve recently handed out.  

Am I right?

Well, then that’s an expense. 

The Bold Statement's metal business cards are an investment and I'll explain why...

These things make lasting impressions, they make incredible first impressions and if you accidentally put these through the wash they will make it through and will be immediately ready to hand to your next big client. 

These things simply DO NOT get thrown away. 

There’s just something about them. 

They have a magnetizing effect on people. 

You come across as a success damn near immediately or as soon as you hand it to someone along with the few seconds it takes for them to realize that they just got handed a piece of metal. 

You can’t tell me that you wouldn’t be at least slightly impressed! 

I guarantee that when you add these metal business cards to your arsenal, you will instantly become more self confident. It’s like eating mushrooms in Mario brothers. You level up and grow huge! 

That’s what you get when you make a bold statement with a metal business card. 

Having metal business cards is just like owning a custom tailored suit. The Tj Maxx suit looks fine but the confidence you gain and the respect you are given with a custom suit is something every professional sales person should have and experience.  

Impressions are supposed to be impressive, so give yourself an upper hand with bold statement's metal business cards. 

I’m so positive that our stainless steel metal business cards will
  ✓ Make you stand out from crowd, 
  ✓ Give your more self-confidence when meeting new people
  ✓ And help you make long lasting impressions 

That We Offer a 60-day Money Back Guarantee!

Check out my competitors. Not a single one offers a money back guarantee!

And here’s the deal: 

  You order a round of these bold statement making metal business cards and hand out just 5 of them to potential customers, potential business partners, or anyone you’re trying to impress and if it doesn’t spark a conversation, doesn’t make a good impression and you flat out don’t think they’re awesome. Then send them back for a full refund. 

That’s how confident I am with how badass these cards are. 

They are bold statements and everyone with a pulse will think that you’re someone that gets shit done when you hand them one. 
"Hand out just 5 cards to potential customers, business partners, or anyone you’re trying to impress and if it doesn’t spark a conversation, doesn’t make a good impression or you flat out don’t think they’re awesome. Then send them back for a full refund. No Questions Asked!
5 Simple Steps to Creating Your Own Bold Statement Metal Business Cards
Here’s how simple it is to make a bold statement with your very own metal business cards. 

Getting your own unique custom designed metal cards is a stupid simple 5 step process. So easy a monkey could do it. 
Step 1: Select The Color of Your Card
All you need to do is pick the color of the card itself...Your choice is between stainless steel, black, rose, bronze, and gold. 
Step 2: Select Your Finish
Next, you will select the surface finish you want for your cards.

The best part about metal business cards is you can get incredibly unique with a matte finish, brushed, mirrored, or even textured finishes. 

Each finish provides a different look and feel that not only expresses your badassness but gives an unexplainable feeling to everyone you give your card to. These metal cards actually do what a business card is supposed to do... make you stand above your competition. 
Step 3: Get Custom
After you’ve selected the sexy finish to your cards, it’s now time to choose how you want your text, logos and graphics to not only look but how they actually feel. You can have different colors, have an odd shape and even have cut-outs. Being able to see through a card is surprisingly awesome! 
Step 4: Your Design or Create Something New
Next you either upload your business card now and we turn it into metal awesomeness or you can enter your information, upload your logos, and work with one of our incredible designers to make you a completely custom metal business card. 

When you order your metal business cards with the Bold Statement you’re going to get 3 professional designs using your guidance. Some designers charge upwards of $100-200 just to design your business card and some of my competitors charge upwards of $60-$100 per design. 

And you’re getting that for FREE with The Bold Statement. 
Step 5: Approve and Sit Tight
Once we finish your designs, you will receive an email with a proof of the final design. Simply, reply back to the email with your approval.  

Upon receiving your confirmation, we get work building your sleek and sexy metal business cards that will be 100% all you!

Since these are real solid metal business cards, they take a little time to make, so you can expect delivery within 10-21 days from date of final approval.  That may seem like a long time to wait but these aren't paper. An ordinary printer can't spit these out, these are freaking metal cut, etched, embossed and glossed with incredible detail!
“People Refuse To Throw Away These Metal Business Cards!"
There’s no easier way to make an incredible first impression than when handing your potential customer a metal business card. 

You won’t just make a good first will blow their fucking socks off!

But if you want another reason to get these bold statements in your life, check this out...

When you buy our metal business cards, you aren’t just investing in yourself and your business; you’re investing in entrepreneurs and small business owners around the world! 

The Bold Statement has partnered with Kiva.
Kiva is an international nonprofit, founded in 2005 in San Francisco, with a mission to expand financial access to help underserved communities thrive. Kiva does this by crowdfunding loans and unlocking capital for the underserved, improving the quality and cost of financial services, and addressing the underlying barriers to financial access around the world. 

Through Kiva's work... 
   ✓ Students can pay for tuition, 
   ✓ Women can start businesses, 
   ✓ Farmers are able to invest in equipment &
   ✓ Families can afford needed emergency care.
The Bold Statement happily donates a minimum $5 from every order so by investing in yourself, you’re investing in others. 
"Invest in our metal business cards and help others in-need prosper!"
So are you ready to... 
   ➢ Change the way you meet people forever?
   ➢ Gain instant confidence?
   ➢ Blow people's minds?
   ➢ & Stand out from the competition?

Then click the button below and get your Bold Statement making Metal Business Cards today!
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